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dvd r

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robert4288 | 17:48 Mon 17th Jan 2005 | Technology
4 Answers
what is the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R because i am going to buy a DVD Rewritter and i wondered which types of CDs to type


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The + and - are two different formats for recordable DVDs. It's a bit like the old VHS and Betamax situation. They are the same but different if you know what I mean. The jury is out on which is best, but I really don't think it matters, as long as you buy the correct blank DVDs for the recorder.
DVD-r & DVD+r are incompatible in that you can't write to a +r in a -r writer and vice versa, there are writers that will do both sorts which would be the best bet. The discs look identical but are written to in a different manner. Both machines should be able to read both types of discs. There is only one standard for CDs so it wouldn't matter which ones you bought, the difference here is whether they are write once (CDr) or rewritable (CRr/w). You can also get rewritable DVDs in both -r & +r formats.
You can only write Double Layer disks in the +R format, from personal experience i'd say +R is slightly more popular/widely used.
I was told the best format to use are the DVD+ because the amount of GB is actually 4.7gb and you can alot more information on it whereas the DVD- also states 4.7gb but actually uses less! I think it's something like 4.2gb of space.
If you buy one, you can get the dual rewriters that supports both formats and if you're thinking of playing them on your standard DVD player, make sure it supports the format or is multi-regional!

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