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Well I uninstalled iTunes but the problem remains, so I uninstalled quicktime we'll see what happens now

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askyourgran | 21:10 Wed 21st Jul 2010 | Technology
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One consequence might be that your AB Question Details box is no longer available so you'll have to cram the question in the title box.
You haven't said what the problem is!
Hi squarebear- I've looked back at askyourgran's previous posts and I assume she is referring to this problem:
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Sorry guys I must have been half asleep then, it was indeed the problem carrying on from the day before. I eventually got rid of that, but I seem to have got myself into more bother. I'll open another thread for that though.

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Well I uninstalled iTunes but the problem remains, so I uninstalled quicktime we'll see what happens now

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