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Help! Can't get Connected

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chrissa1 | 17:08 Sat 21st Aug 2010 | Technology
8 Answers
I've just got a new laptop and cannot get it to connect to our Router. It is recognising that the router is there and is asking for a Security Key.
After clambering up to where the router is and having great difficulty reading the very small numbers, some of which could be 8's or B's, it is not recognising all the different combinations I've tried.
Is this number situated on the back underneath or the front of the router.
If I have to buy a new router are they expensive?
The laptop is a Packard Bell and uses Windows 7 Home Premium.


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The security key is built in to the router, i.e. it was either set by your internet provider or by you when you first got it. If your ISP set it, they will have provided you with that information, either in the router box or in a separate letter. It won't be written on the router for security reasons. Check the box if you still have it, or anywhere you might have written it down.

It might be useful to tell us which ISP you use, and which make of router you have so that anyone with that particular model should be able to tell you how to access your router's settings directly. For example, to access my router's settings I go to, so give that a try and you may be able to change it from there.
Mines written on my Orange router.
I'm not technical at all so my answer may be utterly wrong but I was in this situation myself a month ago and the security key my new laptop wanted was not in fact the long complicated number but the password I had chosen when I set up the router originally.
Have you got another computer (either desktop or laptop) which is currently connected via the router? If so you can use that to log into the router's security settings and enter a new security key, which you can then provide to the new laptop.

To access the router's settings you normally simply open your web browser and type in the router's IP address. For Belkin routers that address is (If you don't know the address for your router, please post again, telling us the make and model).

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When I stay at my sister's, her BT Router has the Sec No on it. What do I do if I can't get it to accept this one?
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The router is a Thomson Speed Touch.
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Prudie you're an absolute star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I typed the old password in and it worked!!!!!!!! I never would have thought of that. Thank you very much. Also everyone else for their suggestions.


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