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Anyone here working on Easyjet check in tomorrow evening??

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netibiza | 20:37 Mon 26th Sep 2011 | Travel
7 Answers
I need to be let off a couple of kilos, please!!!!


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perhaps if you spent the night jogging you could lose a little excess. Have you got a jacket with a lot of pockets you could stuff with purchases? Could you wear several layers of clothes? (You can take them off once you're on the plane.)
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My weight is not the problem jno, it's the damn suitcase, we have packed and repacked and taken out boots and things and it still weighs 1kilo over. Hand luggage is stuffed.
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I do have a pile of coats and boots which I am planning on wearing to a rather warm island!
well, buy extra allowance now rather than at the airport, Easyjet say it's cheaper that way.
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and they will not allow access to the site, we tried this also last year, no choice but to pay.
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at Gatwick.........
hope you trip was 'fruitful' Neti :-)

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Anyone here working on Easyjet check in tomorrow evening??

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