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Jordyboy9 | 12:08 Mon 18th Feb 2019 | Travel
105 Answers
I often wonder about people with young children especially babies and toddlers taken them abroad to places like Cyprus and Crete or turkey in the months of June,July,and August,the temperatures in those countries then are in the 80s,highly irresponsible in my opinion,a holiday in Britain would be much more suitable were the temperature is reasonable,would be better if they waited till the children were older.


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I think when they are really little, they would enjoy a bucket and spade on a beach in Cornwall or Devon just as much as a beach in hotter climes. I know I did. It's the parents who want the holiday, not the kids.
13:43 Mon 18th Feb 2019
"Spath, do you honestly think"

I think a formal complaint to the airline after the flight attendant (remember the name in the complaint) failed to get the kid to stop kicking (vandalism) the aeroplane and another complaint for the activity and behaviour (running around) which was seemed to be encouraged by the lack of action by the flight attendant.

If it was that bad, simply start dry heaving over the back of your seat relentlessly. I'm sure that would at least get the kid to stop kicking the seat.
Right oh Spath !!
Complaints department for that - its not the FL issue its the parents!
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Okay picture this scenario,
Turkey in June temperatures of 89 degrees heat bouncing of the concrete,a place for a baby or a toddler from the United Kingdom,don’t think so.
just as easy to stay indoors abroad...if necessary..with the benefit of aircon in hotter climes too...
Yes absolutely the place for them jordy- whyever not?
Yes...but that's not a holiday. Sitting in a hotel room with nothing to do.
the hotels I have gone to have lots for need to confine oneself to bedroom....
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Thanks ummmm but no need I just ignore ,how are you feeling today.XX
Minty - it's not a holiday though being stuck indoors. May as well stay home.
not in an indoor area... sand pit... treasure hunt..story telling... etc etc
I've never stayed in a hotel like that.
I think when they are really little, they would enjoy a bucket and spade on a beach in Cornwall or Devon just as much as a beach in hotter climes. I know I did. It's the parents who want the holiday, not the kids.
237sj, of course the kids would - but as mentioned earlier on by another user - its the parents that are desperate for their holiday, and one must have those special times abroad or how could one keep up with the Jones!
when travelling with children ..facilities for said children is surely a consideration when booking hotels etc ?
Tbh I'd hypothetically travel and go somewhere very different if it was just me singly, me and my partner as a couple, or me,my partner and child.
Like I said earlier I've only took my kids abroad once. It was very child friendly but no indoor pools or sandpits, or story telling.
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Rockrose I did say earlier it would be better if they could wait until the children were a wee bit older,I have seen it in turkey in June it tantamounts to almost criminal having toddlers out in that heat.
//one must have those special times abroad or how could one keep up with the Jones! //

Who are the Jones? I've never travelled abroad - or done anything else - to keep up with anyone.
It’s all about the parents expectations when holidaying in a hot country with small children, toddlers. Don’t expect to return home sun kissed ,in love and relaxed. It can be hard work, do not expect your child to skip along to the kids club every morning and afternoon so mum and dad can enjoy a lazy booze lunch with some “ me time” . If you are going on a family holiday that includes your child’s company at all time . Enjoy ;’)
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I gave best answer to 237sj because it’s exactly what I meant

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