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Growing Weed

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jennyjoan | 04:30 Mon 23rd Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
is it dangerous does it lead to imprisonment.


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Not particularly dangerous unless it's hardcore stuff like skunk and even then if it's being grown on a small scale for personal use and maybe for minor supply to a few friends then no worse than alcohol imo. The only issue then is getting caught. for imprisonment, it depends on factors like 'previous' and the scale of production/supply. If he's only growing a bit for personal use and he has no 'previous' then afaik, if he gets caught, most likely it will be confiscation and a caution.
A house along the road from me was raided last year. It was a cannabis farm inside and it was cleared out and the occupants jailed.
It depends on how much you grow. If you just have a couple of plants for personal use then the chance of being caught is very slim and the chances of being imprisoned even slimmer.

If you're thinking about it for pain relief, forget it.
I didn't see your other thread on this!!!!
It's can only be dangerous if you get an electric shock off the grow lights and heaters that are bypassing the meter. Lol
There is another thread on this

well yes we all know it can be dangerous for your freedom - dont try it !
Caught Red Handed had one - where they handed down a suspended sentence and a fine

whereas others go to prison for a long time - it depends on the circumstances see above, for example if a wodge of money is also found, that can be taken as intention to deal. ( bad really bad )

As for a dealer the average dealing life is around 2 1/2 y ( before they get caught by the police I hasten to add ). when you come out, you can be declared a person of interest and then the police can tap your telephone for the rest of your life and you go back into prison priddy quig if you dont learn to behave.

Honestly it is a mug's game - but as they say - you dont take an IQ test to be a drug dealer !
There are acres of weeds in my garden JJ, so I am expecting the Feds any moment !
hey malagey

you have a covered tramoline they could deck out with blister pack for insulation and then use for the grow

They could plead convincingly in my opinion - it just blew into the garden
JJ, rather than lying awake worrying about your nephew, either ask him straight or leave him to it.

I know it's hard but you'll make yourself ill worrying.

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