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Water Bill.

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Lyminge | 14:03 Fri 04th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I'm on my own, don't run the dishwasher, clothes washer once to twice a week etc. And am not at all wasteful with water!
But my bill has been doubled from £15, per month to £30, and feel it is wrong. I have a meter. Any help suggestions, comments appreciated.


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Have you been informed as to why your bill has been doubled? If not I would contact your supplier to find out why.
Do a test. to see if there's a leak. Read the meter, use absolutely no water for maybe half a day, and then reread the meter.
But are you sure it's really showing a big increase in water use?
Maybe teh previous bills were based on estimates and you ended up in arrears so they put the monthly payment up
I'm with Anglia Water and know they have cancelled the Sowlo rate [not sure if that's spelt right] cheaper charge for low users to make it fairer to everyone!

I pay £30 per month but there are 2 of us here and other half isn't the most economical, when running water.

Sounds like similar may apply where you live but I would query is with your water company.
If it's just increased consumption danny I don't think they spell it out other than to tell you how many cubic metres you used.
But yes they should have told you if there has been a change in some aspects of the bill such as fixed charge or charge for surface water removal or even in the price per cubic metre but I doubt these will lead to anything like a doubling. They should also have explained about any arrears if that is the reason.
So look at your bill, test your meter as I suggested above and then ring them if you still can't see what's happened
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Thanks all. I have rung them and are going to read the meter. But for example my daughter with two teenagers only pays £30 a month.

I just hope I haven't got a leak....!
you should be on a special low use rates this is mainly for single occupancy

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