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The Ranting Right....

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Canary42 | 23:43 Fri 22nd Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
.... seem to be taking over this site with their persistent paranoia.


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Tell me about it!!! If it not refugees then it is the government. Getting very boring.
They need to get out more.
Define "Ranting Right"
I welcome you to a debate, rather than a rant, on any topic of your choice where the two of us are obviously on opposing sides.
You know you're a terrorist sympathiser/apologist now...?!
You and Zacs-master.
My welcome message was directed at the OP.
It wouldn't be so bad, Canary, if they didn't bring it into almost every thread......not matter how it starts.

It is putting people off now and I worry for their blood pressure when they are the only ones left posting and have no other members to rail against.......☺
Is 'ranting' a synonym for 'raving'?
Posters who feel so strongly about something and believe their opinions can change the world or put it to rights, should vent their spleen on an appropriate site.
Ha ha ha ha. Stick to the sad oap flirting and showing each other how wonderful you are on chatterbank.
I know you've been proved wrong on every important topic for years but don't take it out on the people who've turned out to be right. Just don't click on things that tax you.
hahaha Schweik has made someone laugh twice in a night

I thought ranting right was the right to rant
but of course we do not have a duty to read the rant

as for clicking on things that tax me or not - er I try to click on 5 things that I dont understand and need further elucidation before breakfast....

I thought everyone did
And the looney left seem to be retaliating, just let it go For Funks Sake
A rant about ranting ? ;)
The OP was stating that posters who disagreed with him were mentally subnormal.
I think Canary is wrong and have invited him to prove it.
-- answer removed --
Svejk at 00:26 - brill !
"No you're not, vetuste. You're looking for a fight, possibly so you can demonstrate, from behind the safety of your keyboard and nomme de guerre, your ranting right credentials. "

I think I can defend any position that I hold or have stated as a member of the "ranting right", Allen. I think I can do that by reasoned argument and without recourse to insult or rudeness. As you've asked for honesty I must admit that avoiding rudeness will require more self-discipline that I'm sometimes able to exercise, and more than was shown in your post.

//Paranoia is an unfounded or exaggerated distrust of others, sometimes reaching delusional proportions. Paranoid individuals constantly suspect the motives of those around them, and believe that certain individuals, or people in general, are "out to get them."//

//The Ranting Right....

.... seem to be taking over this site with their persistent paranoia. //

^^A rather fitting illustration. Infamy, Infamy. They've all got it infamy

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