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Good Morning Everyone.

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alinic | 05:50 Wed 24th Feb 2016 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
Day off and up at stupid O,clock?


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There has been a wee flurry of snow here not much tho fluffy snow
minty don't overdo it. Let others do it and you boss 'em about. ;o}
deccies to go up in to pick up...nothing heavy..

dad`s stone went up yesterday so a visit there too ...another hard time...
I'd better make a move and get everything together for the AGM. I've got to pick someone up on the way.

Have a happy day everyone.

Have a good one wbm.
It all has to be done minty. I'm sure you will make sure mum enjoys here birthday. xxx
bye boaty xx

Where is everybody?
morning balders idea..has there been an alien ship ?

Hi minty, haven't seen one, but they can be sneaky.
might help move those boxes though ?

Those boxes are coming along nicely, along with the paperwork.
The team are on standby but to be fair we'll be a week or three yet.
morning alinic...I saw you hon ;)

x x x
morning bathy xx
Morning minty. Bet it's a bit nippy up your way, yeah? ;)

x x
Back on line - BT decided arbitrarily to take the phone down again, working on their cable, no bloody notice.

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Good Morning Everyone.

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