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Eu Twaddle In School

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cassa333 | 02:56 Fri 10th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
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Absolutely disgusted with the EU discussions at my children's school.

Since when did a leave vote mean we are racist? Since when did a leave vote mean there would be more wars? Since when did a leave vote mean we would have more terrorists attacks in the UK? Since when did a leave vote mean we agree with HITLER?


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Maybe it was a deliberately provocative discussion led by Brexiters in order to generate this sort of response from parents.

It would be interesting to get more info on the context
FF...I am sure that cassa will enlighten us later today, when she surfaces !
// Disgraceful! The Head should be sacked on the spot. I would contact your local press.// fire the head and burn down the school

now wait a minute ... are you of school age Cassa or are you a little older
so where did you glean this information ?

if from the kids themselves I think you have to work into your arson calculations a) they are winding you up b) they didnt listen ....
// Maybe it was a deliberately provocative discussion led by Brexiters in order to generate this sort of response from parents.
It would be interesting to get more info on the context //

In 1964 we were told by one master if Labour got in they would close all the private schools (yeah OK it turned out they closed the grammars and screwed social mobility for a generation)
and even then at the age of 12 I thought hmmm I think we are gonna have to wait and see ... but Labour did enact the selective employment tax to try to get people out of service industries and into the factories ...

( sorry this comment was on history of tales from skool as I get easily fatigued by brexit threads)
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I haven't got to the bottom of it yet as they were going to be late for school if I had grilled them much more.

It appears there are three videos. 1 what the vote is for 2 leave 3 remain.

Son has seen 1 and a bit of 2 and daughter has seen 1 and a bit of 3 and they are not sure if they will see the rest. Not sure if there was a discussion afterwards but have no reason to think there wasn't at this stage.

They are back peddling a bit on what they said yesterday but basicly they have made assumptions that what was voted for in the past must have been right otherwise we will be disrespecting the people who fought for the in vote in the 70s.

I had to point out we are voting on something different and that those that voted then did not realise, when voting to become part of a trading block, we would lose our sovereignty.

I will hopefully pin them down more when they get home.
Thanks for the update. It sounds a fair approach by the school and the sort I would expect.
I don't subscribe to Naomi's view that " it's not unusual for teachers to spout their political views to their students."
Thanks Cassa....most illuminating.

How old are the kids though ..........I presume they are of secondary school age ?
The difficulty FF, is that even facts can be interpreted as racist.

One of our regular correspondents said that the Muslim parents of a son that went to Syria to fight for IS must be to blame....because they brought him to be a Muslim in the first place !
Mikey, where you found racism in this thread is anyone’s guess – but that’s your forte. That said, no need to be coy when you’re talking about me, but it would be good if you could at least attempt to be rather less deceitful. People can read. The father of the girl you’re talking about was known to have attended extremist meetings – the point being that had he not held extremist sympathies the chances are his children would not have been influenced by extremism. When the daughter ran off to marry a jihadist his public tears were futile.

fiction-factory , //I don't subscribe to Naomi's view that " it's not unusual for teachers to spout their political views to their students."//

I know and have known several teachers who do it – including one of my own.
Mikey, by the way, this is the second time you've twisted this - and it's the second time you've been called out on it. Stop making a fool of yourself.
I took "not unusual" to mean teachers usually do this but thanks for clarifying that you meant you know several who do. I have worked with hundreds who don't.
Hundreds don't - but some do.
The issue I have is that, presumably, none of the children is aged 18 or more and thus no votes are involved. It follows that if a biased view to remain (or to leave, for that matter) is propounded it can only be in order that the children will hopefully influence their parents.

By all means teach children an unbiased version of what membership of the EU means, but why wait until the run up to a referendum on the matter?

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