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Can It Really Be Done And Dusted?

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sandyRoe | 06:30 Thu 16th Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
The way some Britex people are talking you might think the plebiscite next week is little more a formality. Is it wise to count your chickens?
"But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet."
It's not, as they say, over 'til the fat lady sings.


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Talbot, sometimes a question is rhetorical. Having said that, I read so much here that much of it doesn't lodge in the memory.
I agree Mikey. There are some excellent attempts to establish the facts- for example Radio 4 has a daily lunchtime More Or Less programme which analyses the statistics- and they have debunked many statistics from both sides but have also shown that as with many statistics the devil is in the detail and both sets of apparently contradictory data can be correct (eg 7% of our laws are made by Europe v 70% of our laws). But most of the projections are just nonsense- e.g. house prices will rise/fall by 20%, wages will fall by 5% and I am sure most people are not fooled by them.
Talbot why should there be another referendum ?? the people spoke already !

Minty I already knew your position I asked so you could clarify for Sandy.
No, it's not done and dusted. I have no idea which side will win.
Talbot ...:o)
It's not clear at all. I think there'll be alot of people still undecided who will make a decision literally at the last minute when they've got the pen in their hand.
Brexit will win, if for no other reason than if not I have promised to bare my buttocks in Selfridge's window. Not a sight for the faint-hearted.
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Will you let us know when that's going to happen so that we can avoid Oxford St on that day?
Most of the people i have asked ( and myself included ) are in the "remain" camp. Some people i have asked have stated they are voting to leave the Eu, but these tend to be the "daily mail reading omg all these bloody foreigners are going to come over and take all our women n jobs types" and seem to forget to look at the bigger picture.

@indefinable.....Each to their own because I am yet to speak personally to anyone who wants 'In'.

My wife keeps asking strangers she meets on buses, in shops, etc. which way they are voting and keeps getting the reply 'Out'. She, like myself, is yet to find anyone who says 'In'.

All rather strange when we live in an area with a Conservative MP who is endeavouring to get people to believe that 'In' is the right direction to vote.

Some supporters of whatever will always be overly confident trying to boost others. But the result of the referendum is still in the balance. Personally I'd rather that, for any option I supported, it's popularity was played down. It encourages fellow supporters to ensure they get out and vote.
I am not a DM reader, I can make up my own mind without the prejudice of that paper thank you very much.
I see we have another supercilious member of the brains trust talking down to us. It's no wonder all the normal people are voting out.
Osborne got rid of his cat because it kept beating up their new dog. Not the sign of a trustworthy individual. Cameron just looks creepy and he dies his hair.

Next week we will discover the fate of the country.
Wolf, I wouldn't have thought either of those are reasons for voting in or out..
Ps. Do you really think he dyes his hair?

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