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Osborne Abandons 2020 Budget Surplus Target

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mikey4444 | 13:04 Fri 01st Jul 2016 | News
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Yet another of Osborne's little plans go astray...............this is getting to be a habit !


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Retro, Thought Britain was meant to prosper on its own. Osborne seems to be anticpating thing being worse than planned in 3 years time, not better.
14:49 Fri 01st Jul 2016
Osborne is toast. He will have no input once St Theresa takes over.
His predictions of budget surplus were toast long before the Brexit vote, which has provided a very convenient get-out-of-jail-free card for him. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they planned it...
The unthinkable occurred in the meantime. That is, we are told a once in a lifetime event. Therefore it is not a habit. Plans now have to be adjusted accordingly to accomodate what you and Mr Osbourne didn't believe would happen. I would call it flexibility.
As Theresa May has stated that if elected she would not have any financial targets.Maybe he has anticipated her being the next PM.
agree with retrocop (except replace "adjusted" with "abandoned"), this seems like a sensible response to what I expect to be some recessive times. Not that he looked much like achieving his targets anyway but it would seem pointless to persist with them.
I thought he was changing to an emergency austerity budget to punish those who voted leave ?
all in good time, OG.
I remember when the Government blamed the EU for its failings. Now it is leaving the EU that gets the blame, how quickly our dishonest members adapt.
I remember when the Government blamed the EU for its failings. Now it is leaving the EU that gets the blame//
Where is there any mention of blaming the EU?
Thought Britain was meant to prosper on its own. Osborne seems to be anticpating thing being worse than planned in 3 years time, not better.
They are not. They are blaming the Brexit vote for abandoning the target.
// The UK economy is showing "clear signs" of shock in the aftermath of the vote to leave the European Union, he said. //
good to see that you are picking on the Tories again mikey, obviously all the problems the Labour party has have been solved!
Different failings, except the latter is the expected cost not a failing.
TTT, you have a point. Not one thread posted by Mikey on the crisis within the Labour party. And him so on the ball with all the news too. Got to laugh really. :o)
Considering it was not the Tories who won the Brexit for us.
It was all those disenchanted working class Labourites from the traditional Labour heartlands who were not being listened to by their too far Left Labour party. Thanks Jezza. You did us a favour .
About a week before the vote mikey was crowing about the Tory party in disarray over something trivial. mikey hasn't got a party now and silence is golden.
// disenchanted working class Labourites from the traditional Labour heartlands who were not being listened to by their too far Left Labour party. //

That is a spectacular misunderstanding of what happened.
err sounds about right to me gromit, Labour have spat the dummy out at JC because he failed to deliver up the core vote for remain. A clear sign the PLP haven't got scooby about their grass roots voters' lives. Leave where seriously helped by a lot of disenfranchised Labour voters.
Sounds about right to me too from what I have gleaned from various news reports.

Clearly they didnt decide it on their own but without doubt the disenfranchised labour voters suffering from mass uncontrolled immigration more than delivered the Get out verdict.
"what you and Mr Osbourne didn't believe would happen. ".....

care to guess who came out with the following corker ?...

"So, I would take anything he now says with a wheelbarrow full of Sodium Chloride." M. Gove


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