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White Hairs

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Eve | 14:45 Sun 30th Aug 2015 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
But if a random question but have wondered for a while.

I have no sign of grey hair and am only 36 but I keep finding loose white hairs! I have brown hair so not fair haired to look like white. Live alone so not likely to be anyone else's and they are as long as my hair is.

Are they just random dead hairs (though all hair is dead if I remember right) or is this a sign I need to get the hair dye out haha?


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Get hair dye out? Hmmm., blonde with dark roots is a funky look. Brown with grey roots isn't. It says 'desperation'.
So maybe it's time to either embrace your snowfall, or get your haridresser to ease you into ever more frosty highlights.
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My one and only experience with blond didn't go so well haha!

I've had blond/caramel highlights in the past though.

The weird thing is I haven't got any grey roots that I can see, just keep finding loose white hairs which look like they have fallen out.
Thing 2 has very dark hair and he occasionally has a rogue white hair (as opposed to grey) - he's 7.
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That's good to know, thanks Sherrard :)
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