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wendyl | 13:49 Sat 17th Jun 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
In the last few days I have had problems with my PC 'locking up' mostly when using Page Plus 10 and 'saving' but also when writing an email

I think it may have coincided with a ZAP update (I have used this for several years without problems) although I did not connect at first with PP problems
This morning I looked on ZA forum and see there are a lot of others with problems although not identical to mine. Would it be best to remove update or are there better solutions.
Thanks for any help


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could you disable automatic update and just do it manually now and again when not busy on your pc.
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thanks yellowjohn for taking the time to answer
the update was not 'automatic' I was invited to update and agreed which I normally do without problems.
I am still trying to find out if ZA is to blame for difficulties I am experiencing or if there is another reason although it started about the same time as the update and seemed the first port of call

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