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How Has Your Day Been ?

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sunny-dave | 16:41 Mon 13th Mar 2017 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I washed and fettled my pushbike today - such a lovely day here so I fancied a spin - just a couple of miles, but ending with a short but horrid hill to get home.

I now have legs like jelly and a sore bum ...

... but I'm sure it was good for me ... possibly.

How are you feeling?


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No, luckily........the panels are fine and the fence from my bracing job up to the house is fine......just the snapped posts from half way down the garden....

Much better than I thought it was going to be before he inspected it all.....x
I've been working outside all day in the sunshine. I kept getting distracted by a flock of waxwings that were perching in a tree not 10yds away:-)
If there's a mod about please remove Melv......not his post....just Melv!!!.... :-)
I have been stupidly busy with a massive project at work, and I am now coming down with a stinking cold!

I could do with doing nothing tonight, but I have to prepare for an important interview tomorrow about the Jazz Festival, which I can't miss, so going to have to hit the PC when I get home and stay there for a couple of hours minimum.

Timing is not good!!

Never mind - I am so lucky to be able to write for money, so I am not complaining - just could do without the cold though!!
Also had to go to the hospital today for part of my MOT & came through unscathed. Now sitting here enjoying a glass of Sauvignon.
To those who've had a great day, keep it up.

To others who haven't , hope all is better for you soon.

Mine has been calm and uneventful , so am happy with that.x
Melv16 Waxwings are beautiful birds, that would cheer me up & make my day.
Sorry, hadn't meant to ignore earlier posters, popped on and was rushing, apologies!
am enjoying my first day - really - of independence - nobody doing anything for me - and was able to walk maxie to park and sat there thanking my lucky stars for everything.
Onwards and upwards,Jennyjoan. Glad you're on the mend.
JJ, I'm pleased you are getting better.

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