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Did Trump Push His Way Into The Front Of Queue ?

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mikey4444 | 09:42 Fri 26th May 2017 | ChatterBank
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"" daily news exposure"" indeed......all negative .
Young...what a stupid thing to say.
All negative from the Clinton News Network et al. Has anything stuck?

To his supporters they see this as the liberal left squealing like pigs as the swamp is drained.
No it is not, you put up a post you knew would be offensive and tried to blame it on someone else.

And I am offended by the word stupid, Ha.
It was the Prime minister of Montenegro, no?
He's the guy whose predecessor nearly got the full Kremlin treatment (allegedly) recently for daring to bring his country into NATO. So maybe Trump was offended at that :-)
The president is or was the world's tallest statesman so Trump might have been advised to keep his hands to himself in that case.
In any event, it's "rude bloke pushes past other bloke" - it's happened before and it'll happen again. A shame maybe that one of them happens to be the leader of the free world, and I am old-fashioned enough to hope that that sort of behaviour will NOT turn out to carry some sort of Midas touch generally(I'm confident it will not)
No...I called Trump a donkey. My OH used swear words when he watched the clip. How you could possibly think he has any control over me is unimaginable.
I found it quite comical, how egotistical is this man!
debunked mikey old bean , see below -

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