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Curiosity (And We Know What That Did To The Cat)

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albaqwerty | 10:54 Fri 08th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Another thread got me pondering about parenting.

I don't think there is a 'perfect' parent, we're all human surely?

I was thinking about the time when the 4 of us were camping, under canvas, 2 tents, both sons in one tent and Mr Alba and I in the other.

If anything had happened to either, I don't think Mr Alba and I would ever come to terms with it.

Was that the rose-tinted days of 20 years ago? Are things worse now?


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I dont talk to small lone children in the street (jail bait)

in our youths - about 10% of childrens play was supervised
and now over 90% of playtime is directly supervised by an adult
( children under 10)
and absolutely no research has been done as to this will have an effect on kids

change driven by parent fear not by a mass of child kidnapping

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Curiosity (And We Know What That Did To The Cat)

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