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Is It 'racist' To Fly The American Confederate Flag, Here In England?

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anotheoldgit | 14:13 Thu 21st Sep 2017 | News
58 Answers

/// Resident Imogen Luke said 'I am hoping whoever put this up simply didn't realise what it can symbolise. ///

/// 'Seeing it flying boldly in our village last night truly made my heart sink and I'm hoping it has now been taken down. ///

/// 'No place or need for it in St Ewe really. I have been quite upset all day just wondering who would do such a thing and why. I believe it's probably a joke but it's just vile.' ///

Oh dear poor little snowflake, I do hope see is feeling much better now.



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So we're all thick, ichkeria?

I don't know about you hc :-)
I hadn't a clue what the flag was about for years. Nothing to do with being thick, so much perhaps as understandable ignorance of a symbol of a failed racist state that should have been buried years ago.
dukes of hazzard, bo and lukes car 1969 dodge charger, not very fast in real life and a petrol guzzler to boot, but it looked cool, as for the flag on it, i always liked the look of the flag in an artistic sense, and the australien flag as flags go, the welsh flag is also nice, makes me think of knights in armour for some reason.
I think you're confusing them Dukes with Bros, Tora.

And of course Catherine Bach as Daisy Duke.

Otherwise, spot on. :-)
A lot of brew about nothing - it would be far better to educate folk on the history of the flag what it purveyed rather than an outright ban. Ditto these debates about Cecil Rhodes at Oxford Uni - next thing is the rabid left wing will want is the statue of Maggie pulled down and the extreme right will want Nigel Farage there.

As to the derogatory remarks on the Cornish, they are disgraceful and border on racism, I'm surprised the Ed/Mods are not taking action but then the so-called contributors are being shown up in their true light.
I contribute therefore I am.
TTT, I think a lot of teen girls wanted to be Daisy :-D

Ohhhh yeah, Daisy Duke.
( I wouldn't have minded the Hemi Charger either ).
// As to the derogatory remarks on the Cornish, they are disgraceful and border on racism,//

the cornish - they're hobbits arent they?
do hobbits have rights ?

we need less censorship and not more
"The Confederate States of America only lasted 4 years"
Doesn't mean that some folk in the South no longer relate to it. It symbolises the South before they became part of the Union. (If we ever get stuck in the EU for centuries of misery to come I suspect many here will feel similarly about the UK Union flag.) The rebel flag is still a flag, and as such is comparable to any another flag that generated similar criticism, such as that of St. George.
Your logic is sometimes.......illogical OG. What on earth has the union flag got to do with feeling bad about the EU?
Maybe he's saying that the UK is full of racists? Surely not.
Or illegal immigrants? Surely not?
Are you seriously asking for that to be explained ?

The flag is symbolic of the organisation. That's what flags are, symbols. So if you feel bad about being in the EU then you aren't going to be keen on anything that symbolises it. And will value that which represented your freedom before being trapped in it.
What is illogical are comments about immigrants and racists.
But if this thread is heading for La-la land, I'll leave the thread to you.
How is the UK union flag symbolic of 'the organisation' (by which I assume you mean the EU)?
Know what you're saying, OG. Good luck explaining it to the brains^trust.
Luckily this is the future for flags in good old Blighty;
the really sad thing is that it's not even the actual flagof the confedearet state, that's the stars and bars:
The "general Lee" flag is just one of many ,military banners used at the time. Also adopted by the confederate navy

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