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aelmpvw | 10:24 Wed 20th Sep 2017 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
oh the excitement is agonizing ... i'm on 599 best answers


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Congratulations ael - I notice that you've notched up your 600th - just another hundred now before your next landmark.

Ael has reached 600 Best Answers?

So what's happened to my invitation to the party then?

Did it get lost in the post?

Did the email vanish into cyberspace?

Has the venue refused the booking because of our reputation?

Answers are clearly needed here - even if they're not 'best' ones!

Seriously? Does anybody actually keep a check on their best answers? Time to see a psychiatrist urgently!
^^^ I click on 'view your profile' several times a day, Dave. It's really to check whether there's any feedback (such as a subsidiary question) or other input on the threads I've posted on but I admit to usually taking a look at my current 'Best Answer' figure while I'm there. I'm competitive by nature!
Dave, I dont think simple curiosity warrants psychiatric evaluation.
The psychiatrists gave up on me a long time ago anyway!
I've only got 32. :o{
Does that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, WBM? You must be awfully clever... ;-)
They say that size isn't important, Boaty ;-)
Just as well Chris!
Congrats AEL.
No need for Psychiatric analysis....keep it simple...the continual focus on Best Answer topic is and always has been known in the following terms:

"Showing off"
" Blowing one's own trumpet"

To me it is as simple as that.
A bit of fun.
Yeah! you really believe that with some people? ^^^^
Oh dear !....I only have you think my appalling spelling and grammar have anything to do with it ?
No, mikey. It might be your politics :)
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I'm trying to remain humble but failing because i've just noticed the momentous 600 landmark has been reached. I'd like to thank all my fans for making this achievement possible but special thanks must go to the one person who made all this possible ..................... me

lol Jo !

Well, I've no intention of becoming a Tory after all these years, so I suppose I must be contented with 142 BAs.
Well, Mikey, like you, I'd rather have 'only' 142 BAs than be a Tory :)

Ael, well done on your landmark :)

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