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Is there an easy and simple way to record a persons voice onto a CD

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osprey | 13:49 Wed 12th Jul 2006 | Technology
5 Answers
so that I can play it on car journeys? I learn things such as speeches better when I can hear them played rather than just keep on reading them.


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There are digital recording devices that save files to removable memory cards (like Digital Camera Cards) that you could use to transfer to a PC and burn to CD.

Failing that, using a microphone on your own PC to either record directly and do as above.

OR you could even record something on your phone and transfer it as above.

You can't simply write to a CD without the use of a PC... unless you have one of those types of stereo that does it for you, and a Mic (not many people do!)
There are simple programmes like this

that allow you to make voice recordings easily, that are saved as mp3 or wav files, which in turn can be burnt on to cd or transferred to an mp3 player.

I am sure there are free programmes that do similar.
I've got a wee mp3 player that I listen to music on. It also records so must have a built in microphone.

Alternatively, plug a mirophone into your sound card on your computer and use Audacity to record it. If the sound quality is distorted, click
Start > Run and paste in

Then click Options > Properties > Recording (OK)
and lower the volume of the "stereo mix".

This'll get the sound onto your PC and then, from there, you can put it on CD or an mp3 player
I had to learn a speech a couple of weeks ago and found listening to it a lot easier to learn. I recorded it onto my mp3 player then played it onto my pc.

Obviously this can then be burnt to CD from there.
The most simple method and easiest (do they not mean the same thing) is using Windows Sound Recorder. click start , all programs, accessories, entertainment and then record your speech. When you have done click file, save as and then save the recodrding to your desktop. On your desktop find the recording and then right click, send to and then select you CD drive. The wizard that pops up will guide you through the rest. The resulting CD will be in .WAV format that will play on pretty much any car CD player.

Having done more than a few speeches in my time I think that a car is the worst place to try and listen to them. There is too much subconscious distraction... for me anyway. Give t a try, it may work for you

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