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Doesn't Take Much......

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gness | 20:04 Mon 05th Mar 2018 | ChatterBank
29 Answers confuse me......

About an hour ago I accidentally pinged my credit card into a very small gap between the work surface on a run of cupboards in the kitchen and the wall......I know....
It is stuck, out of sight, behind the plinth that the worktop sits on and short of demolishing the kitchen units I can't get at I phoned for a new one.....

The first question I was asked was for the sixteen digit number on the front of the I asked the chap to wait while I went to get my purse for the credit card to give him the number............ :-(


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No chance at all, thanks.......a good idea but it'll have reached the bottom of the plinth thing which is about a foot it's there til next kitchen refit...which won't be by me......
The replacement'll be here in a few which time I will have sealed the gap!....x
Do NOT open the replacement until gap sealed. I know your aim isnt normally that good, but given that you seem to share the F*** Up Fairy with me and my friend round the corner, I wouldn't depend on lightening not striking twice..........
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I will be careful, least I won't be able to do what I did before.......cut up the new card instead of the old one.... :-(

Thanks, Dave......I would have done if I had remembered or noticed the the your water okay....tap water....I'm not getting personal....
Mine is coming out of the cold water tap like froth....not like when you have air in it but as if you were filling a glass with a dollop of Fairy in the bottom?.......x
Lol Gness, perhaps they've just decided to pipe you guinness..........
Water looks OK - smells terrible though - like a swimming pool - I guess they've had a leak and whacked some extra chlorine in - and there may be air in the system too?
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That would be bliss, BM...well until bath time maybe..... ;-)

Maybe they've been faffing at the bottom of the hill again, Dave...they never seem to fix that leak does smell quite strong...I'll have some wine instead...x
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So I see....thanks, Tony..x

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