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Have You Ever Lived In A House....

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gness | 22:04 Sun 19th Aug 2018 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
...perhaps one in which you grew up or one you lived in many years ago and thought....

I'd love to visit that house today just to see how it's changed....or if its just the same.......x


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Your right, Ken. Along with a poster of one of these baby's.
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That's a good point, Darcy...x

It's not so much looking back for me, Daisy....just out of interest...x
I went to look at one of our old houses. Not only had it gone, but the building that had replaced it had also gone. You can never go home again.
Im very lucky. The house i grew up in (which is a very lovely and very special house) is still lived in by my parents. So I get to see it regularly.
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Oh I don't want to go home, David......but I think they are all still there if I did...though the thatched cottage might be a bit grotty....x
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That is nice, BM......I do visit both Irish homes....just walls now..x
When we were near Aylesbury a few years ago we took the kids to see our old house and the hospital where the eldest two were born.
and the hospital where the eldest two were born.

Do they still have maternity homes ?, I was born in a maternity home.
No, I wouldn't want to go and see what later owners had done to homes I had loved, or more particularly, the gardens. I have looked at one or two on Rightmove and been quite upset that features we had installed had been removed. Once you've left, you have to let them go, otherwise it can be distressing.
Tony - don't think they have maternity homes anymore. My eldest daughter was accidentally born at home so she has our house address on her birth certificate.
Thanks, sherr.
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Hi, Sherr....both mine were born in hospitals now long gone...don't we have birthing units now...x

Yes, I can see that, far as I, and others, are concerned my old house has been ruined...but it's theirs now and though I think it's a shame it doesn't bother me...x
I've lived in a couple of houses that I have fond memories of. One, in Devon, I lived in as a toddler. I went to look at the house recently, and it was nowhere near my memory. They'd changed everything about the place, and it was much smaller than I remember. Quite sad really.

The other one I think about is my first student house from the late 80s but it still had 60s/70s style decor. I drove past it a few years ago and they'd got rid of the brown and orange geometric wallpaper from what was my room.
I just streetviewed one of mine, wish i hadn't, front garden gone, now fake red brick, hideous porch slapped on the front. So sad it was a pretty little terrace house with roses round the original open porch now it's really ugly
Just found another one looks the same from the outside but the garden is virtually gone because of a conservatory and a large deck. The interior is a typical young family home, in other words over furnished with shiny wall coverings and one bedroom bright pink
In my lifetime, I've lived at six houses, five of them are still standing and fairly local. One of them is the first house I bought after getting married. It's on the main road to Oldham and we go past it lots of times in a week. The only one not standing is 10 Clarion St., which was demolished in the late fifties, although the street where it stood is still used as access but was never built on. I use all the door numbers in sequence from those houses as an internet password. Easily remembered!
Our old house in Ireland....I hate seeing it now. It was an traditional cottage and now it's unrecognisable. Shame.

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