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Petrol Money

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natalie_1982 | 09:44 Fri 28th Jul 2006 | Motoring
15 Answers
I don't drive and know b*gger all about cars and am getting a lift somewhere with someone tonight who is incredibly tight to the point of doing people out of money.

If I have to give them petrol money for a 25 mile round journey how much would it cost roughly? It's Diesel, Peugeot 306 if that helps.


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the journey in my car a 2.0L diesel ford would be about �2.50 if it was main roads, �3.50 town driving.
So working on that about �1.25 to �1.75 each if 2 in the car.
Of course he may want to add money for the wear and tear to tyres and fabric of the passenger seat.
Question Author
Hang about.

For 30 miles?

So �20 would be way over then?
�20 is way way over! is that what you were considering?
When i was a bit younger and many of us would cram in our cars to go out at weekends the drinkers often paid for the soft drinks for the driver if it was gonna be a late night and we were gonna be drunk on way home (being sober and driving 3 drunks home is not always fun)
Dont suppose your mates name is Jason by any chance?
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No, not a mate my sister in law, and �20 is her idea.

Flippin 'eck. She wanted a packet of fags with that aswell.

It's not a night out, I have to go visit my nan as it's her Birthday and no other way of getting there tonight.
Phone a few taxi firms and see what theyd charge. Youll probably find they are not much different and that price covers their wages, insurance, liability cover etc etc.
Is your sister-in-law visiting your nan as well then?
I think that �20 plus fags is a real cheek.
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Not really, she'll probably hang around but I'll only be in there for bout half an hour to an hour, she's no relation to my nan (nan on my maternal side, I'm married to sis in law's brother).
I suppose that if she expected to sit outside in the car for up to an hour its fair enough that she would want some recompense but as a favour to family �20 still seems steep
Have a quick call round some taxi firms tho. Is there really no-one else who could take you?
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Thing is she is making out like she is doing me a favour, and always comes in to see nan with me and have a cup of tea and some cake, and seems o enjoy it as she has no grandparents of her own.

No, no other way of getting there as I have to be there at a certain time and everyone else will be at work.

Nevermind, I will remember it for future ref!

Thanks for your help ;-)
Hope ive at leasted helped for future reference.
It will probably work out cheaper in the long run to take your test and buy a car if she continues to do that to you.
A reasonable amount just to cover the cost of the fuel would be �5.

Most employers who pay their employees if they use their own cars on company business pay them about 40p per mile for a car of the size you quote (making �10 for your journey). This amount is calculated to include fuel, insurance, servicing, wear and tear and depreciation. Most taxi firms charge about �1 per mile so, provided you don't ask the car to wait whilst you attend to your business, it should cost you �25 to �30.

Your sister-in-law is not justified in asking you to pay towards the upkeep of her car (apart from the fuel) for such a short trip. If it were me I would decline her kind offer and get a taxi, even if it meant paying a few pounds more.
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Hubby usually would; I took lessons but it scared the pants off me!! I hated driving, I think when we start a family iot is something I will force myself to do in cases of emergency, etc but for now I think I (and other road users!!) are safer with me on the bus!
I used to drive my friend the 50 miles from home to uni and she gave me �2 a time, which I reckon was approximately half the cost of the petrol used.

�20 is way over the odds!
Whatever happened to alturism....

My friends and I often ferry each other around and while we all do our bit I tend to do most of the driving (I have a newer and bigger can than most).

We never mention money, occassionally somebody will offer, which will be turned down with a thank you, but nobody ever asks for money.

I used to car share (when I say share I did all the driving) and the woman used to pay me �15 a week for 40 miles a day 5 days a week, that more than covered her half of the petrol. Gave it up in the end because I couldn't take the constant ear bashing, she never used to shut up :)

Just thought I'd chuck a spanner in the works. It is also illegal to make a profit from charging people unless licensed and insured to do so.
I use my car for my job as a delivery driver and petrol works out about 10p per mile for urban driving.

�20 in a diesel would probably last her 200-300 miles depending on the type of driving she is doing.

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