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Canary42 | 19:43 Tue 08th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Funny how MPs can shout and catcall across the Floor of the House to their heart's content, but put them on the receiving end of similar behaviour from the public and the namby-pambys call in the police. Their fault for providing the example.


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Did you actually watch it? She was seriously harassed and tbh, I’d have been afraid if I was on the receiving end of that. Those men were vile and ought to be flipping ashamed of themselves.
I don't think you can equate the two at all.

The bear pit atmosphere if the House is pantomime, everyone knows that, and plays up to it, and a lot of MP's on opposite sides are firm friends outside the chamber.

You can't compare that to some lout shouting abuse at a woman in the street - it doesn't stand up in any way at all.
There's quite a difference between being shouted at across the house and having some lout thrust his face up to yours. Very frightening and very intimidating, no comparison
Any MP using that language and venom in Parliment would be suspended from the chamber
The politicians don't like it when the ordinary people fight back! Enough is enough serve the people not the people who pull the strings like Soros,
Whatever I think of her the baying mob don't represent me and it was they who looked ridiculous.
Do you actually think before you post, Canary?
In case you hadn’t noticed, MP’s tend not to get up close and personal, invading personal space as the mob did with Soubry.
How would you react to being surrounded by 6-7 males within a few feet, shouting abuse as you walked into work?
If Jarn smith is you MP then his email [email protected] and so you can work out what Anna SOubry's email is
and tell her

I did - ridiculing the idea that free speech was a the preserv e of MPs and the rest of us had to abide by different rules - NaZI and liar are commonplace on AB arent they?

I ended with a grand - Man up Ma'am !

and got a formulaic reply

Nonetheless the question of why should Anna's right to blaart be protectd and the rest of us can go hang is being discussed.

[yes I have been on the wrong end of "o! o! I dont like what you say so I am going to allege harassment and I feel all a-quivery, so you mustnt say it again!". This complaint was enthusiastically pursued by my employer who quite by chance also didnt like what I was saying - it was about them]
// Do you actually think before you post, Canary? //

Do you chilldo? do you live in a city or a bothie on Dartmoor ?
er if they have bothies on dartmoor

I notice that Anna ( bless! ) did NOT say as she passed froo the police cordon into the Black Rod's Door or whatever ,
"O I am so frightened thank god you are there officer now go and arrest all of them or shoot them!"
no she did not
and any way what is she complaining about

there have been both liars and Nazis in the common ( Sir OSwald Mosley springs to mind ) and all they are saying is she is another
Within reason they can blart all they want, but do it from a distance - would you seriously be happy Peter for any woman in your family to be surrounded so closely by a pack like that?
As ever, no idea of what you’ve tried to pass off as ‘posts’ but you’re clearly off your meds.
I think he was contesting the implication that Soubry had sought police protection from, or prosecution of the angry mob.

Just an impression, of course. Being a Brexiteer I struggle with English, don't do "forrin", and am as bewildered as most people by PeterSpeeak.
Sorry, that was to you, ChillDoubt.
No problem VE, I guessed as much.
Yes, I do tend to bow out from a thread once Bert from Mary Poppins attempts to engage me in debate!

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