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I Often Wonder Whether People In Other Countries Have The Equivalent . . .

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Canary42 | 15:48 Thu 24th Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

I often wonder whether people in other countries have the equivalent puns using English words which mean (or sound like) something else in their native tongue.


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No, I don't think they do. Often wondered this myself.
I went to england. It was a lovely place but they kept trying to tell me fish antics.
An interesting thought Canary, I don't have a clue though.
Princess Michael ( a well known German ) was asked if she had had lovers since she was married:
Nein Nein
oh, that many said the interviewer

does that count ?
Man standing outside a house named Chez Nous:
hello Mrs Nous - is Chesney at home?

there is a French equivalent of Dun Roamin apparently

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I Often Wonder Whether People In Other Countries Have The Equivalent . . .

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