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Where should the Brexit discussions end up?

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AB Editor | 11:24 Thu 17th Jan 2019 | Politics
13 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • No Deal - 114 votes
  • 45%
  • No Brexit - 67 votes
  • 26%
  • Different deal as agreed by UK Parliament - 43 votes
  • 17%
  • Oh, whatever! - 32 votes
  • 13%

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Stats until: 10:31 Thu 04th Jul 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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Good morning all.

I have set up this poll. It automatically publishes from the AB Editor but please be aware that the AB Editor is still on sick leave.

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voting not active ?
"Different Deal" seems a bit vague. Different how?
'tis now !
Jim //Different Deal" seems a bit vague. Different how?//
One that is acceptable to both parliament and the EU.
One based on accurate and unbiased information from one of the sides and the other actually getting off their collective bahookie and fighting back instead of believing in the common sense and everyday knowledge of the populus, Jim. :-)
Ah, I see now. Clears everything up, thanks!
I wonder if this would generate more interest if posted elsewhere? I'm pretty sure polls are usually posted as a sticky in the subject they relate to - and once response declines, posted in polls for posterity.
No deal
No Brexit
No brexit
No deal.
no brexit

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Where should the Brexit discussions end up?

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