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Have You Ever #2

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Blake_Wildfong | 21:34 Thu 23rd Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Have you ever dreamt a dream so realistic you felt you weren't dreaming see all? I have a few times, actually!


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yes its horrible
don't most dreams seem real while you're dreaming them? There are a few lucid dreams where people know they're dreaming and can even take control of the content, but I don't think they're common.
Yes. I agree with jno. They all seem real at the time, unless lucid. Some are more vivid than others though.
I don't even know about vividness. The ones that seem most vivid to me are the ones I wake up in the middle of. I don't think I remember other ones at all.
That thing when you wake up suddenly while dreaming of falling and your body jerks back as if recovering from the fall. Such a strange sensation.
I woke myself up crying once because I had a dream that I had lost my dog! Thankfully she was fast asleep downstairs in her bed.!!
Me too.
Sharon!! What were you doing asleep in a dog bed in GM's house??
Sometimes as im falling asleep in limbo I feel like i’m falling over because i’m laying down but mildly dreaming/ thinking about standing up and it jolts me awake
Many, many times. I wake up shaking. It's horrible. A particular one (the other night) I was walking along a pavement and stepped off a kerb...…………….. it mutated instantly to a huge drop, I scrabble and scramble, but must fall. This sort of falling dream (something I thought was small becomes huge and life-threatening) is far too frequent. I have woken up shouting and screaming in the past. Not nice.
^^^ Addendum. Very, very rarely I have had a flash of a dream which presages/echoes something that has happened/is happening. E.g. the Us spacecraft which went on fire (Nicola McCauliff) I had a 'flash' of people trapped in flames and woke-up shaking - went downstairs to hear the news later. These episodes are (as I said) very, very rare - but very, very clear and real. Quite different from normal dreams.
I’ve had lucid dreams, as in one where I was dreaming that I was stuck in an attic and couldn’t find my out. I thought to myself ‘I’m just dreaming. I can just BE out’, and the dream carried on with me on the roof or something.
yes, i once dreamt that i was eating a giant marshmallow and when i woke up my pillow was gone ...

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