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Argumentive Answer Please: Which Makes A Better Pet: Cat,dog Or Other?

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Blake_Wildfong | 02:36 Wed 05th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
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What do you mean argumentative answer? You want to argue about pets? Don't be silly.

FYI, cats are far superior.
What he said
Goldfish, you don't need to take them for walkies nor do they jump on you at 3 am demanding to be fed
You and your fish have sent everyone to sleep, alba. x
Hate both!!!
^ Ditto.
They speak highly of you too
Thanks Mozz!
You're welcome milady.
cats really, they are their own bosses and can be demanding but are lovely and cuddly when they want to be. I miss having an animal around the place.
Dogs definitely, far more loving and loyal and you meet some lovely people when out walking them.
Dogs. Far more useful and loyal.
Definitely dogs
You would be better off with a Giraffe Blake. Get a long lead. Or a Crocodile.....perhaps. You could take it swimming.
Cats. With the right arrangements in place(cat flap, automatic feeder etc) you can go away for a weekend and leave a cat to its own devices.
Not so with a dog.
Wish I could have a dog again (cant because of tenancy conditions) but rats make great pets. Not everyones cup of tea I know but I kept rats for years.
Dogs for me too, though to be fair we never had cats.

Dogs are great pals, they'll play games,walk with you for miles and keep you safe.
Nailitt what about helping out at your nearest rescue, say walking the dogs for which the dogs and the rescue would be very grateful I'm sure. You don't have to commit, go when you feel like it. There will always be a dog happy to be walked;-)
I used to hate cats and really like dogs.
Since we've actually had a cat it's "love cats and pretty close to detest dogs" (not helping that I'm still allergic to their hair and no longer to cats') Probably just me getting old and grumpy, but I am now heartily sick of their attention-craving, jumping all over you those pathetic, dewy eyed stares :-)
What was it they say?
If you want to receive affection get a dog, if you want to give it get a cat?
Something like that ...
Dogs are loving, loyal, they protect and make great furry family members.

Cats are bullies, impatient (after waking me in the morning with a punch to my face Frankie wants his breakfast immediately), coniving, deceitful, serial killers who think that the world revolves around them. They are also entertaining.

I like both Cats and Dogs.

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