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Disobeying The Lockdown Rules

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diddlydo | 18:18 Sun 29th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Why, oh why, can't everyone do as they've been asked/told i.e. no face to face contact with friends or family but only with members of the same household? I've seen 2 large multigenerational groups today walking round the village - probably at least 3 households. Also, some near neighbours are still having their adult children and grandchildren to play in the garden. I despair and wonder if these people have even half a brain. Yes, I miss not seeing my kids and grand-kids but we're getting by with Skype in the national/global interest and wouldn't dream of visiting them at the moment.


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An "unintended virus" error, apologies...

Divisiveness?? The usual MO practised by the so-called Powers-That Be??

Manufacturing Consent; Chomsky.

Ah- amass media conspiracy theory? I haven't read Chomsky's book though- is it worth a read? Is Waterstones still open?
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Please keep to the point of the OP - it is important!
I've seen contrasts...a uoung voiple standing outside the parents window. Singing happy birthday yesterday...chatting today.
And another young couple. She had a daughter, he has a very young son. The daughter was seen getting into a car the other night. The little boys voice was heard there today...sure he's not been there all along. I feel for parents separated from their children. My next door neighbour has his son, his ex has their daughter.
I think ttttom thinks he's amkinga relevant observation about the motives of governments here but I think he's over thinking it and agree the issue of disobeying / not heeding clear advice is too important
Everyone is our villageis obeying the rules, so far as I know. I'm going to Tesco's in Driffield tomorrow in the hope of buying bread-flour and loo-roll amongst other essentials. On the way I shall call in to collect the Parish Mags. from the printers (literally open the door, pick-up bundle with your name on it and go) which I shall distribute by hand - bringing reliability and comfort to older people (some are 91 and 3 are wheelchair-and-house-bound) surely this cannot be wrong? I shan't meet anyone. Haven't seen grandkids for weeks; I ring them and check youngest's times tables.

Otherwise, our dog is a 2 x daily pooh-er so needs a short walk at teatime as well as his morning walk. Again, we rarely see anyone and if we do we chat from across the road. Don't have Skype etc. As it happens my laptop chose the other week to shatter when I tried to close the lid and it is held in place by gaffer-tape. So, if I go off-line, it's been lovely knowing you - and keep safe all.

Could be worse... elder sprog reported this afternoon that her induction hob had packed in and fused the kitchen. :( She has one on order. She is/was a high-powered lady (Chartered Financial Advisor) but only went freelance and self-employed in Jan., so can't get any help. I'm very proud that she'll be at the local co-op tomorrow, going for a shelf-stacking job - no other income available as her job involves face-to-face. She also has a tax-bill due from last year when she was well-employed. I can give her a bit, but not enough. You do what you have to do.
Chomsky: a massive fraud.
Should have stuck to linguistics
pasta, I think they ruled that separated parents could still take children to see the other parent?
Because of that, jno, my revolting ex-son-in-law insisted on taking his kids for the day yesterday - despite a cough - and today rang to say he has a fever and is self-isolating! This means he exposed them and others, especially my daughter, and she, like me, has respiratory problems. It was hard for me to dislike him more, but now I'm digging a ditch and hope he falls in it. How stupid, pompous, self-regarding - running out of epithets - can you be?
Oh, that's good to know, jno.
And that's truly awful, jourdain.
A family have moved into the house opposite my daughter. She said since they moved in during last week they've had a constant stream of visitors. My neices m in l invited all the family for a lovely sunday lunch together and was upset when neice, who is pregnant, politely declined. M in l is a doctors receptionist.

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