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Making Capital Out Of The Covid Outbreak.

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SparklyKid | 10:47 Sun 26th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
It seems that the majority of TV adverts are helping us , and indeed, working for us.

The domestos ad says it kills the coronavirus. Bet that sells out quick.

The icing on the cake is on C4 this afternoon when Jamie oliver is offering tips and hacks to get us through the outbreak.


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that's not an ad though. i dont get your point?
unless it's that JO is a ***, in which case i get it completely
in their defence
domestos are saying any bleach
Loads of bingo and betting online stuff I’ve noticed
And it also depends on how you dilute it.
lots of ads for cremation services too -which is a bit insensitive lol!

what I get annoyed with is emails from companies telling you how they are protecting their employees during this difficult time. Its just lightly veiled advertising and very distasteful.
I get those emails from companies I've had no contact with for months...or more. I wish they'd just go away.
I rather like Jamie Oliver's series...but even as an inventive cook, there are ingredients I've not got in my cupboard. He'd better realise some of us are running out of the intersting stuff now.
Jamie Oliver is a joke I really don't know what planet he is on. No wonder his restaurants went bust he hasn't a clue.
I've enjoyed his (Jamie's)programmes this past few weeks and even if you don't have the ingredients it sparks ideas.

Enjoying Kirstie's crafting shows too,ideal for those who like to create.
16.58 ( he hasn't a clue) He's still making millions, there's many business men that have gone bust in the past and still climbed the ladder back to the top again like Jamie. How many million did you make last year, or years?
It's only Jamie's Italian which went bust.
//Jamie oliver is offering tips and hacks to get us through the outbreak.//

I said on another thread that things will have got to a grim level if I start baking. I thought that was rock bottom. Now somebody tells me I might encounter Jamie bloody Oliver when I switch the telly on. Don't the TV bods know that people can't go to the pub? Are they indulging in some sort of sadism?
It's not compulsory.
I've noticed a few extra virus related adverts. Life insurance, undertakers, any kind of cleansing product now emphasises it's anti-viral properties etc etc.

It is what it is.
Just bear in mind that a lot of the hand gel in the shops especially the cheapy ones, come from China, great way of spreading the virus.

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