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Can Anything Be Done For This Problem

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emmie | 04:54 Mon 29th Jun 2020 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
i have started sweating primarily at night, the area most affected
is around the neck area and down my shoulders. I have had this for some while now. Its uncomfortable, and not pleasant.
would anyone know the cause, i am 65 with various preconditions
taking medication for high blood pressure and over active thyroid.


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i have lost this pregnant look, so yes i have lost some, though i have no idea how....
weight loss is common with an overactive thyroid as is an irregular heart beat, is your over active thyroid under control?
Emmie I have bumped this up in the hope that Sqad might see it.
Go to your gp, you need a set of hormone levels and thyroid function tests. Then he or she an do something. With the weight loss thyroid a possibility but you won't know till you get it checked.
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thanks for the input, i am waiting for the GP to ring me back. I am coming round to the idea that this is thyroid related, the irregular heartbeat has been a long time
condition, i was told before it was anxiety.......
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i take 5mg of carbimazole once a day..
I don't know if you suffer with GERD, Emmie, but that can make you sweat around face, neck & shoulders. Hope you can get it sorted soon.
Simple perspiration ? Overweight, hot weather, ?
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no anne, its been going on for months, and its not been that warm here...
i have spoken with GP, she believes i can rule out thyroid, as bloods came back as normal.

I have just seen your thread, Emmie and as you know, I am aware of your past medical history and medications.
Clearly no medical condition springs to mind and we are dealing with an hormonal problem or an anxiety state and blood tests may well give us an answer.
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its not anxiety, strange to say i had been happier of late, no special reason, but this sweating lark isn't remotely funny. It happens mostly at night. When i told the doctor that i had indeed coughed up some blood on numerous occasions she has referred me to a haematologist, for further blood tests.
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good to see you still posting sqad, i hope you are feeling better,
Thanks emmie.....yes,a few medical problems but no big deal.
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thanks for your input, always welcome

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