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cryptic crossword

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bobobalde111 | 20:22 Sat 26th Aug 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
19 Answers
1/ its food , clot (4) --k-

2/ scolded when one over indulges foolishly (7) --d----

3/ "open a tin " sufficed (6) ----i-

4/ blame one when a bird gets out and a reptile (8)

5/ have a keen interest in , you understand (6) d---o-

6/ cannot go out leaving the child inside - not i (9_

all help appreciated


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Which crossword bobobalde?
can you please state which Cryptic this is
1- Cake
Question Author
sorry guys for what its worth its a cryptic in a scottish evening paper
its called the times and i didnt want to confuse all and sundry who read the one and only times
6) consonant
39 candid?
that should have been 3d) Candid
Question Author
candid fits dont know why possibly ter rap i n for other clue
any thought for 2 or 5
4. Terrapin.
Rap i in tern
5. Debtor? Cannot quite see why, except you would have an "interest"!
can did = opened tin

open = candid
any more letters in 2) or 5) ??
are some answers 'scottish dialect words' ??
2) coddles
coddles = over indulges (a baby)

anagram of scolded
Question Author
if debtor correct 5th letter is b
ist letter is last letter in the following clue
is it not used in general medicine (9) ---c-i--

unlikely words are scottish more probable ive done something wrong elsewhere
Question Author
that would make clue D-L-O-
Oh! pandabear, I have just worked out coddles and when I refreshed you had got it!!
Question Author
coddles is correct other answer is follow i had made a mistake
many thanks for all your help and patience

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cryptic crossword

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