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First Night Shift

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sherrardk | 15:47 Mon 30th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
After self isolating (they went for a midnight walk to celebrate), boy #1 is doing his first ambulance night shift tonight. I know it’s ridiculous, but in my mind I see a night shift as somehow more dangerous than a day shift - I shall be on pins until he’s safely back at his uni house in the morning.


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Monday night sher. I’m sure things will be quiet. Understand how you feel though .
There'll be many 'firsts' along his path - I'm sure he'll cope with each one.
in my experience the night shift is nearly always less dangerous
In what way dangerous?
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I don’t know, more druggies/violent sorts about? It’s totally irrational and it’s not like he’s going to be on his own.
I hope all goes well for him Sherr, but if the situation he attends is violent you can rest assured the police will be there too and several back up teams.
Hope things well for your son.
The zombies are the worst.

He'll be fine. :-)
You must be very proud of him, Sherr.....and don't worry about worrying about lad is fifty and I still worry!
All well with 1st. Night shift sher . ?
I can understand your thinking that nightshifts are more dangerous - more drunks and druggies and those with mental health problems often have more crises in the early hours.

Did he survive Sherr?
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Just heard from him. Not much detail but ‘not as bad as I thought it would be’.
Friday/weekend nights are usually busier.
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He’s been involved in daytime calls when the police have had to be called. It doesn’t worry him, he seems to have an ‘affinity’ with the odder members of society.
Good for him. His character will be well known from the interview process.
His bosses will know he is made of the right stuff, a good strong character.
Best wishes to him :-)
"he seems to have an ‘affinity’ with the odder members of society."

just like his mother then ?

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
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Johnny, you’re actually correct :)
And pull your mask up :-)

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First Night Shift

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