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Bobbisox1 | 12:38 Tue 19th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Mr B got a call last week to get his vaccine ( rightly so ) I heard yesterday letters would be sent out for the over 70s ( me) a letter has just dropped through our door telling HIM it's time to book his appointment !!!


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In the first round of vaccinations a friend who is a nurse was taken there by hubby, luckily as they were at the end of the session with some vaccine left he was offered it too to use up one of the remaining doses so common sense is being applied in some cases.
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Seems so lankeela
I would not be surprised that even though they keep saying over 70s, they will stick to the categories and over 75s will be getting priority.
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Which of course is right ubasses
I have a friend who works in PALS for our local area. As a plea to everyone and not directed at anyone specifically, please don't ring your GP/PALS about when you will get the vaccine - the NHS is overwhelmed with the "doing" so every time it has to deal with someone asking when their turn will be (lots and lots of times a day) there's less time for actually doing it.
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She ( my friend) was off duty which I knew , there no way I'd contemplate message someone doing their job
A friend of mine in the extremely vulnerable group received a letter from the clinic last Friday and thought it was the appointment. It read, 'you're still in the extreme vulnerable group and we're thinking of you'. Wasn't that nice.

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