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caseys court ?!

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mindbullets | 19:39 Tue 22nd Jul 2003 | Phrases & Sayings
9 Answers
anyone heard of this phrase that my nan uses ,it seems to mean a riotous situation i think , for example(it was like caseys court in the bingo when when mavis and phyllis both called on number 37!) btw my nan cant remember why she started saying it!


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Gosh, I remember my gran using this phrase as well in exactly the same context, although I always assumed she was saying casey's COAT (because she had a Welsh accent). I'm going to disappoint you by not being able to give you an answer but you've certainly given me the impetus to try and find out where Casey's Court comes from. Can't wait for someone else to come up with an answer.
and a link will take you to a website that gives a biography of Charlie Chaplin. Under the year 1906, you'll see that he played a part in a show called 'Casey's Court Circus'. It seems likely, therefore, that people took up the idea that 'Casey's Court' was a veritable "circus" a name which could be applied to any loud, riotous entertainment or situation.
did mavis and phyllis have to share the prize?
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well,in this particular hypothosis mavis is going slightly senile and calls wrongly on a regular basis (she's 82 you know!)therefore phyllis won the 5 pound prize for the top line. Thanx quizmonster for your answer.
omg, it 6 in the morning, i've just woken and gone downstairs to let my dogs out for a wee, to find that the back door has been left open all night and as both my collies are shredding their coats at the mo, the floor is just covered in dead dog hair, and the kitchen is a complete mess, and i muttered to myself, its like casey's court in here !!!! shock horror, where did that phase come from, i didnt even know i knew it!! but then remembered my mother used to use it whenever there was a mess and lots a noise and a chaotic situation, so i jumped straight on the computer and searched and found this website, and was delighted.
My mum use to use that phrase a lot..I believe she used it when she was having a hectic moment..meaning when things could go wrong they do go wrong..
My Mother used to say "it's like Casey's Court in here!!" when most of the lights had been left on around the house for no apparent reason. A sarcastic comment to tell everyone to turn the lights off when they come out of the rooms.
Casey's Court originally meant a gathering of unruly children as it derived from the Music Hall entertainment called 'Casey's Court' created by Will Murray. Most of the cast were children with Mr Murray playing Mrs Casey. It was similar to a 'gang show'. Famous names who started in showbusiness through 'Casey's Court' include Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel who later joined Fred Karno's Fun Factory and crossed the Atlantic to find fame in films. Another member of the early casts was Harry Seltzer who later held many positions within The Grand Order of Water Rats. Casey's Court started c1900 and ran until the 1950s. Later 'Casey's Court' came to mean any unnecessary noise or fuss.

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