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Cakes, biscuits or puddings

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Lewis Ellis | 01:07 Sun 27th Aug 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
Pure nutritious starch
Colour of a traveller
Cat got your tongueSmiling visages
Posh lodgings
Of no fixed abode


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Smiling Visages - Happy Faces (Biscuits)
Of no fixed abode - Rover (Biscuits)
langue de chat - cat got your tongue
colour of a traveller...gypsy cream?
Would it be nasty to say that 'Posh lodgings' could be a Victoria sponge?
Posh Lodgings ----- Devon Flats ?
I think they renamed Gypsy Cream to Romany Cream ..... something to do with P C ?
I think Pandabear is correct.

I think the pure starch might be 'sago' but I'm not sure (because it is basically carbohydrate with few other nutrients). Best wishes and good luck
I have checked on the poliltical correctness of the term gypsy v romany (as in Romany Creams as applied to a brand-named biscuit, renamed from Gypsy Cream).
It appears that the term Romany is offensive to many nomadic or travelling communitites because it simply refers to the Roma people from South and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and the Middle-East. This would ignore other travelling communities such as the Pavee (Irish/GB/US), the Moken (sea gypsies of South east Asia) and any other community of nomadic people.
Therefore the renaming of the brand of biscuit erred in being unable to define the nature of nomadic peoples. The term gypsy, I know for a fact, is racist as it refers to the perceived attributes of Egyptian travellers eg swarthy skin, and should not be used as a generic or blanket term for travellers. However, I used the term as it is a commonly used term for home-made biscuits and the term refers to the colour of the biscuit and hence its seemingly exotic appearance. Therefore the usage is complimentary rather than detrimental and not racist at all. I would never post a racist term at all.

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Cakes, biscuits or puddings

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