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Who’s The Redheaded Girl With Orange Sweatband In White Leotard With Black Stripes In Eric Prydz’s Call On Me?

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Arringtastic1992 | 21:25 Thu 22nd Jul 2021 | Music
7 Answers
I don’t have a clue.


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I've watched it through 4 times - well, 4½...& can't see an orange sweatband.
21:55 Thu 22nd Jul 2021
You may have to wait a while until everyone has watched the video a few times ;-)

This is one of many on You Tube where the comments are as good as the video.
Some of the dancers are named here, but no photos save the main female one. Somewhere to start though I suppose!
I've watched it through 4 times - well, 4½...& can't see an orange sweatband.
Adjust your sights, and stop drooling.
Did you spot the errrrrm dress malfunction though LiK ;-)

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Who’s The Redheaded Girl With Orange Sweatband In White Leotard With Black Stripes In Eric Prydz’s Call On Me?

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