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Bq 31 Quiz

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Matilda123 | 11:12 Mon 15th Nov 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Now we are past 14/11/21
can I ask for a clue with question 27 and a clue to link the pictures please.
Thanks folks.


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Need more info. What is question 27 etc?
Question Author
27 related to a movie.
' A, 1 (2), J,M,O,W.'
Does what you have put down refer to two movies? ?? pictures.
Question Author
Sorry don't know if it's one movie, I expect it will be through.
It's difficult not having the actual quiz which I presume contains pictures - and a link is required between them. Is that so?
Question Author
Got the picture link now thanks.

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