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Just Can’t Believe It - Youngsmow Has Tested Positive For Covid For 3Rd Time !

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Smowball | 11:53 Tue 21st Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
He has had COVID twice before, first time was I’ll. 2nd time just felt slightly rough. Woke up feeling rough today - did a test at home and it’s positive, he’s going to have a peak flow test at 1pm to confirm it/deny it.
Is it possible to catch it THREE times after having all three jabs??


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very unlikely in a teenager - hospital
the danger is they infect over 70s and they DDDDIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!
You can test positive up to three months after catching it.
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Youngsmow is 22 and regularly tested for work, but even he’s surprised at a negative test on fri and a positive one on Monday. Either way he’s been told that the one he’s just gone and had done at a test centre at 1pm is the result that is going to count.
Smow I hope your boy will be alright, but I really don't trust those Covid tests unless they are done by someone professional.
sozza - chazza to:

no kissy kissy under the mizzy, sissy!

the nice bit about AB is no one reads my posts ( xc to write foo what dat den x 100) - Barsel - LFTs have been shown to be as accurate after 5.

and if he has had a negative that has returned positive, then it is a new infection
Sounds fair, smow, that's why they do them twice a week. My daughter had negative at work, and positive 3 days later, confirmed by PCR.
However, she only had to isolate for 10 days (from a nursing unit), I did ask her whether she would need a negative test before she returned, but she said they won't retest her again for 90 days.
Anyway, there were no further cases, so 10 days must be enough.
It is positive for that long because bits of the virus hang around for that long
not living _ live virus causes / transmits infection- a bit on the internet on this but the defn seems simple enough

but pos-neg-pos striked me as difft to pos pos pos

( cue 100 X what all dat den etc )
Pp, I'm sure we all get wot dat is den... although, also depends on the accuracy of the tests?

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