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kts123 | 00:28 Tue 19th Sep 2006 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
i am suffering big time at the moment with restless legs.
they feel so irritable and i cant keep them still. i have started taking magnesium tablets but still the same..
any ideas/tips greatly recieved


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Sorry Ratter, didn't mean to pry. Oh, and it was two a day on the bananas, can you manage that?
Carakeel and fatman, you said 2 or 3 bananas and with one eye?
RATTER you have no eyes, my horse has got the glass one, hence why we havnt even galloped out of the dark sunny village into the quiet noisy room,
If the horse has the gall one that's why the mare has a sore aspidistra and limping on 3 legs, we need a flat capped vet bill
and just galloped on to the wrong thread where it is wasted, HELL!!
good grieff!!!!!!
lay on your back with your legs in the air for a few minutes of just try your very hardest to keep them still and they will go! there trying out tablets i read in the news paper the other week!

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