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A Funny Small Poem The Grand Old Dukr Of York

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gordiescotland1 | 23:38 Tue 22nd Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
The Grand Old Duke Of York, He Had Twelve Million Quid
He Gave It To Somebody He Never Met And For Something He Never Did !!!


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Comical Gordie :-)
much repeated on here....I guess the packet-horses have taken their time to get beyond the Border what with Princess Eunice and Princes Dudders Frankie...
Gordie doesn't visit here as much as many of us do DTC.
I've not seen it on here. Good laugh Gordie :0)
DTC the nit picker. Made me laugh gordie.

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A Funny Small Poem The Grand Old Dukr Of York

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