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gulliver1 | 10:36 Fri 17th Jun 2022 | News
48 Answers
This Prime Minister is now overdrawn on his account with both the voters and the Parliamentary Party says John Penrose . Oh dear Boris in the red .
.......Not his favourite colour. lol.


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/// why does the ED allow this inanity? /// It doesn't contravene any site rules Simple
11:01 Fri 17th Jun 2022
Face? Lol. *fae
Aye that ;0))))
//In Internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community//
13.35 Ark. Assuming another poster is disillusioned is only a personal thought.
Off topic?? then most must be guilty at some time or other. :))
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Boris is not just overdrawn on his account with voters and members of his own party, he is now ruling on borrowed time and the clock is ticking.
One more tiny interruption, Gully.
That horse Gulliver is in the big race at Ascot tomorrow.
no i did not know

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