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Uk student wanting to study abroad!

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idontknowrrr | 01:09 Mon 27th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

I am from the UK, going into my second year in university & recently I feel the need for some adventure in life & want to pursue studying in another country. I have put much consideration into this & feel its something I want to do. My only problem is I dont know anything it & google isnt much help either. Can you get funding? Wheres the best place to study? I was hoping you guys could give me suggestions, perhaps stories etc! Anything would be appreciated!


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What languages are you fluent in? What are you studying? Pointless going abroad to study English Lit, for example.
Question Author
Im not doing English lit. I dont even speak any launguage - however, I can learn! I would prefer to go to Australia or America.
your university will have held or will be holding meetings that explain all your options for a year abroard as an exchange student, surely you have been given the opportunity to do this. i even went to the meetings when i was ay uni 10 years ago and everything was covered and i could even have taken my 3 kids!!!
You need to check it out as everything is organised for you
You could do worse than consider this:~
I would suggest that you quit attending university ( there are no jobs when you graduate), cease contemplating 'studying' in another country, get a job, save lots of money, and then consider travelling.....I know that's tough: however, I used to think your way when I was 18.
My son did VSO in was negligible & worked like a dog! I had to 'buy' him back - he'd lost lots of weight.

Stewey is right! Start work in a trade - earn & buy long hols when you're 'flush'.
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Uk student wanting to study abroad!

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