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reminds me of the days people were terrified of going into hospital for fear they'd come round to find Thatcher and a phalanx of cameras by their bedside. At least nobody expected her to come in through the bathroom window.
Did you carry a Thatchcard, Jno? I had one in my purse saying if I ended up in hospital I wasn't to be visited by Margaret Thatcher.

Maybe Johnson was delivering kettles, Ken?
don't blame you for covering all eventualities gness :-)
Just imagine waking up and finding Boris by the side of your bed .. You would think you were having a nightmare .If it had been a woman , she would have found Boris in the bed with her.
Showing her his Truncheon
Maybe Johnson wanted to top up his stash before the freebies cease?
Having sacked Gove, he’s probably a bit short atm.
Oh I'm always prepared, Ael. I have a new card now in case I end up in hospital. It's my Varadkar card.
It can let this one in. ;-)
ael googles varadkar and learns something new :-)
you'll also have learnt that he's not that interested in gness's sort...
Not a problem, Stephen Fry, it's Varadkar's mind I'm interested in.... :-)
Phew ... :-)
Officer said that they found the PM asleep behind a skip and were taking him home when they got the call to raid the place, innit.

Mr Johnson quipped that he was always 'an early riser'.

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