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jimmyninja | 23:06 Tue 26th Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
someone please tell me what lost is all about and what the ont come is


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"ont come" what are you on about?
outcome??? no idea, just watching the finale now
There's no finale yet. The producers have about 2 or 3 more series planned apparently. So it's going to be a few years before we get an outcome.

just saw the end, how crap :( hate endings like that...grrrr!
Aparently it was supposed to be only for two series. but when the producers saw how popular it became, the dollar signs 'Kachinged' in their eyes, and they decided to stretch it out.
The outcome is it is all a dream. the dreamer wakes up and goes into a carwash where he works. Suckers!!!!!
Pretty elaborate dream! (but feasible), I too am thinking along those lines. I think its all to do with Hurley.
I had heard and i have no idea how true it is is that it all revolves around Hurley, Walt and Locke? Who know i dont even think that the writers really know and make it up as they go along! In the first series there was a lot of attention to the weird sounds and monsters and that odd black floating smoke thing that appeared in front of one of the characters but in the second series they seem to have dropped all of that!! Most odd and frustrating but addictive at the same time!! Roll on series three!
I'm going to watch it again on sunday.
I didn't get some stuff last night.
I may well be back with questions on monday.
I don't think that the producers and scriptwriter have a definate ending. theres so much specualtion that they'll just change it to keep it addictive.

I remember during the 1st season I thought that they were all dead and were currently between earth and heaven/hell. Deosn't seem that way now. NOt that it's actually shown real life away from the island.
* NOW that it's actaully shown real life away from the island (Desmonds missus and the 2 guys in the artic)

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