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Change One Letter And Ruin A Proverb/Saying :-)

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Patsy33 | 18:55 Sat 15th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
A New Groom Sweeps Clean.
A Picture Paints A Thousand Worms.


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Peeing is relieving! Oops!
19:27 Sat 15th Oct 2022
Life is for giving.

A pair of the dog that bit you.
Living the wife of Riley.

Make mine a calf.

Plenty of pish in the sea.
Bottoms op.

The cap that cheers.
Wherever I lay my cat, that's my home.
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Tiggs :-))
Look before you sweep
There is no stoke without fire.

Beauty is in the aye of the beholder.

Swill waters run deep.

Honey is the root of all evil.

Do as you wound be done by.
Heaven on Garth

Tanners maketh man.

A dish out of water.

Skating on shin ice.

One over the night.

Wadies and gentlemen.

Children should be seen and not beard.

To each their owl.

To throw a spanker in the works.

The road to hell is paced with good intentions.
If it aint broke, don't mix it.

Mime waits for no one.

Better safe than worry.

Shrike while the iron is hot.

All that glitters is not bold.

Nothing dentured nothing gained.

It was the last strap that broke the camel's back.

Birds of a feather clock together.

Parry in haste, repent at leisure.

Where there's a pill there's a way.
My cats have suggested "The pet is mightier than the sword".

For impecunious dog owners:
"Look after the pennies and the hounds will look after themselves".

I wanted to amend "Pigs might fly" but I knew that AB's naughty word filter wouldn't allow me to ;-)

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Change One Letter And Ruin A Proverb/Saying :-)

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