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shrub dipladenia sanderi

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sammy111 | 12:56 Fri 29th Sep 2006 | Home & Garden
1 Answers
i live in kent on the coast,i have got a (shrub dipladenia sanderi) that i want to put in my garden,what kind of mix is best for me to put around the root's when planting also will it be ok through the winter months outside.
thank you ...mike


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Hi sammy, I've always known this exotic climber as Mandevilla, so it took a little searching. Its regarded as a tender greenhouse or conservatory plant, so putting it outside may be a bit risky, but who knows ? If you decide to try it outdoors it will definately need a sunny, south facing position and be well sheltered.
It likes lots of water in the summer but drier in the winter and the soil should be sandy and free draining.
Good Luck Tbird+

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shrub dipladenia sanderi

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