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Buenchico | 16:57 Tue 13th Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
. . . leave too many carrots out for Santa's reindeer on Christmas Eve. Life isn't easy for an overweight reindeer!



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That's so funny
It would be amazing if that Santa could get off the ground to deliver his presents.
Erm...isn't anyone giving warnings about not giving Santa too many glasses of sherry? Only ... I've been asked to play Santa this Christmas, and ... er ... I don't know if anyone's been told to restrict my intake.
I hope he gets his sledge repaired in time and gets a new team of reindeers , in order to get to me before the 25th
Bazile, according to my grandson, Santa is magic and can make anything happen, including giving him virtually everything in the Smyths toy catalogue. Unless there is something my daughter isn't telling him .........
And less whiskey for Santy this year please. His hangover last time was unbearable.... for me! ;-)
Mind you when Dave's finished the Santy stint he's in the village play. This involves him sitting at a table drinking from a carafe of wine. We've just done the publicity photos here. I suggested Ribena but he insisted on the real thing. Doubt I'll get any dinner cooked for me tonight. :-(
//Bazile, according to my grandson, Santa is magic and can make anything happen, including giving him virtually everything in the Smyths toy catalogue. Unless there is something my daughter isn't telling him .........//

He must be magic - afterall he's 1751 years old :-)
Love it Chris that is funny, I'm sure plenty of us will feel like that on Christmas day.

Arky holds his hand up
He cooked....a delicious dinner. Maybe the wine led to him being so adventurous. Hope that wears off soon. ;-)
You sure it's not carrot cakes, Buen??
Lovely clip, Chris
Cheered me up :-)

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