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I did it!!!!!!

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loobie | 10:08 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Hey guys,

I completed my 10k run yesterday in an hour and a half and with a busted shoulder!! I was determined not to give up even though I was in pain from 3k onwards and am soooo proud of myself!! I can today, hardly walk but it was well worth it!!
Thanks to everyone for your advice and support with q's I've posted about my training. Woohoo!!!!!


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Congratulations Loobie.... Go get ya quilt and put your feet deserve it!

Lisa x
Question Author
Aww thanks Lisa (that's my name too!!) Unfortunately I am at work today!! Just gotta keep stretching at my desk!!!!
I don't know what your run was in aid of but congratulations anyway loobie!!!! Hope your aching body recovers soon lol!!
Well done again x
Question Author
Thanks Gleavey, it was for Cancer Research!!!
congrats babe lovee ya xxxxxxxxxx
Brilliant cause loobie, double congrats!!
Hope you raised lots of money x
Hey loobie, well done, that is a hell of a good time,

I will make a donation to our local Kiddies Hospice in North Wales on your behalf, Ray xx
Question Author
Aww thanks Ray, that's lovely, just like you!!!!
Gleavey I raised just under �250 so am very proud!!
< Gives Loobie a hearty pat on the pack and then realises she's in pain and has a busted shoulder > ;0)

Well done Loobie... good on you xx
Question Author
Thanks China!! The shoulder's a lot better today!! It's the legs that are causing the problem now!!!
Well done loobie. I am somewhat envious of your achievement as I get the stitch after barely 2km and afraid I give up soon after.
On top of everything, you raised a good deal of dosh for a very worthy cause!
You're in inspiration.
Respect loobie . Fab cause and fab effort.
Well done .x
Well done Loobie - god I feel exhausted just thinking about it !!

Fantastic achievment - give yourself 10 stars and a Blue Peter badge!!

* * * * * * * * * *
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Aww thanks guys!! Pinky, I don't have a blue peter badge but I do have a nice shiny medal!!! Thanks for the 10 stars!! xx
Congratulations. Always an achievement to succeed at a goal, especially through adversity. Jolly well done.
Well Done loobie!! xxx

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