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Should There Be Age Limits In Politics?

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Untitled | 10:39 Fri 28th Jul 2023 | Society & Culture
14 Answers
the odious mitch mcconnell, minority leader in the US senate recently froze in the middle of a speech and needed to be escorted away by aides...

joe biden and donald trump are both at or near 80... both frequently give speeches that show signs of very confused and disorganised thinking

but even if they were all fine... should the world's most powerful country... or any country... be controlled by people who are so old?


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No, the voters decide to back them or not.
Voters have a knack of getting it sooooo wrong though.
Well democracy is in fact a terrible way to run anything, that's why there are none in the private sector.
Donald Trump's idiotic outpourings can't be blamed on senility.
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ok but in the last US presidential election for example both candidates were extremely old

mitch mcconnell has held his seat since 1985… it is a near uncontestable “safe seat”
TTT, Winston Churchill once said that: “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”
Douglas 10,54 Got to agree with you on that one .
Look what's happened since the Brexit vote.
11:04, yes TGM is correct.
The people obviously wanted the older candidate and voted for them, presumably believing that during their more alert moments they will have the knowledge and experience to not take daft recent fads seriously and so support sensible, public approved motions instead.

But yes, there probably should be an age limit in politics. Perhaps a minimum of thirty years life experience perhaps ?
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do “the people” really want mitch mcconnell or is he just the occupant of a safe seat? he occupies a post of national significance and is only accountable to a tiny number of voters in kentucky

It’s reasonable to assume that if he’s been their choice for all these years, that’s who they want.

No, I don’t think there should be an age limit.
Yes, one year older than the age elected.
I found myself wondering if he has Parkinsons. Freezing and being unable to move is a symptom.
Not sure if that's what happened.
Maybe the statue of limitations was in play. :-)

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Should There Be Age Limits In Politics?

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